Thursday, 13 November 2008

SAP XI Architecture

  • Above diagram will show the architecture of SAP XI(PI).
Brief Introduction of SAP XI Architecture:
  • System Landscape Directory : This is one of the main component of SAP XI. The System Landscape Directory is responsible for createing Products, Software Units,Software Components, Techenical Systems and Business systems.We can not go to implementation phase without tuching SLD.
  • Integration Builder : Integration Builder is used in Design and Configuration phase of XI Development. It has 2 components
1) Integration Repository
2) Integration Directory

Integration Repository (IR) : Integration Repository is used in design is used to import software components, creating name spaces, creating data type , message types, message interfaces , message mapping, interface mapping etc...

Integration Directory(ID): Integration Directory is used in configuration time. It main work is to determine who is sender,who is receiver and which service interface is participating in message processing. And also we will configure adapter types and partner in this phase.

Integration Server (IS) : The SAP NetWeaver Process Integration use an Integration Server which you can establish a message exchange in a complex system landscape where a variety of applications communicate with each other. In this message exchange the Integration Server takes on the role of mediator and forwards messages from a sender to one or multiple receivers.

Central Monitoring : Central Monitoring is used to monitor XML Messages. It is also used to trace the errors in SAP XI. We can monitor XML messages by two ways.One is through the Run time Work Bench(RWB), second one is through the transaction SXMB_MONI or SXI_MONITOR. In the run time we can see the XML payloads to check whether we are getting actual structure of XML or NOT.

SAP XI Introduction

  • SAP XI is a middle ware platform which can exchange the data through the XML format between SAP Systems and Legacy Systems .
  • SAP XI is a Product with more than 1000 shipments
  • General availability with SAP XI 2.0 in May 2003
  • General availability with SAP XI 3.0 in Q4 2004
  • The abbreviation of XI is Exchange Infrastructure, After releasing SAP XI version 7.0 it was pronounced as PI (Process integration).
  • Present Latest version of SAP XI (PI) is 7.1 released on 25th September 2008. This is the first version shipped with Enterprise SOA Architecture.
  • Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture is international industry standard architecture (UN/EDIFACT, ASCII standard)build with Global Data Types(GBT's).
  • Enterprise Service is an executable program with can runs Business Logic.